CDK Global Hackers Tied to 96 Cyberattacks in Past Year
CDK Global Hackers Tied to 96 Cyberattacks in Past Year
June 28, 2024  |  Fraud Attack

The hackers who struck car dealership software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform CDK Global on June 18 and 19 are reportedly affiliated with a Russia-based group called BlackSuit. This cybercriminal...

Will US Dealerships Shake Off CDK Attack By Independence Day?
Will US Dealerships Shake Off CDK Attack By Independence Day?
June 26, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

It is almost July Fourth, and summer holiday travel is about to enter its peak season. But despite the sunshine and blue skies, Americans planning...

CDK Starts Restoring Systems After Car Dealer Hack
CDK Starts Restoring Systems After Car Dealer Hack
June 23, 2024  |  Cybersecurity

Last week, a cyberattack on dealership software-as-a-service platform CDK Global crippled America’s auto sellers. Now, the group behind the attack is reportedly demanding tens of...