A wild and wooly ride, indeed. But in the end, the PYMNTS Connected Economy™ 100 Index (CE100 Index™) managed to post positive 2.5% returns for...
The PYMNTS ConnectedEconomy™ 100 Index (CE100™) managed to outpace the broader markets this past week, buoyed by Sezzle and other payment-focused names. It’s no surprise...
The Connected Economy 100 (CE100™) Index continued its dip, and one wonders if earnings season will offer any respite. For the week, the group was...
Up, up and …. Well, not quite away. But up. And so, even with a 5% gain in the past week, the PYMNTS ConnectedEconomy 100...
The Connected Economy 100 Stock Index (CE100 Index™) wound up closing out the second quarter, and the year to date, with a performance that far...
Emerging from the stock market rubble that was this past week, the Connected Economy stands battered and bruised, at least as measured by universal declines...
Not at bad week’s performance for the beleaguered CE100. But then again a single week does not a trend make. The CE100 Index was up...
In the stock market, there comes a point at which, perhaps, one is satisfied with a less wild ride than is being seen in the...
For the CE100™ — given just how volatile the week was — well, it could have been a lot worse. That’s a sentiment we could...