Trump Backs Off Initial Plan On Chinese Tech Investment Ban
Trump Backs Off Initial Plan On Chinese Tech Investment Ban
June 27, 2018  |  International

In remarks to White House reporters, President Donald Trump said he supports U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s more measured approach to limiting Chinese investments in...

Industry Groups Push Back On Bill To Increase CFIS Powers
Industry Groups Push Back On Bill To Increase CFIS Powers
February 09, 2018  |  International

Two proposed bills that would keep China from obtaining sophisticated U.S. technology might be revised after complaints from major American companies. According to Reuters, the...

As Goes The MoneyGram Deal, So Goes China, U.S. Tech Collaboration?
As Goes The MoneyGram Deal, So Goes China, U.S. Tech Collaboration?
January 05, 2018  |  International

A pretty good songster named Paul McCartney sang once that “in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” To...

Ant Financial Resubmits To CFIUS For MoneyGram Buy Approval
Ant Financial Resubmits To CFIUS For MoneyGram Buy Approval
September 18, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Ant Financial, the Chinese payment unit of Alibaba, is gearing up to resubmit to the U.S. its application to purchase MoneyGram International. Sources familiar with...

FinTech Mergers a-Plenty, While in Trump Era, Fewer Fines for Firms
FinTech Mergers a-Plenty, While in Trump Era, Fewer Fines for Firms
August 14, 2017  |  Regulation

On the regulatory front, last week saw a bit of news about mergers – actually, more than a bit. Specifically, the agreement for U.S. credit...

Ant Financial Resubmits MoneyGram Bid to U.S. Authorities
Ant Financial Resubmits MoneyGram Bid to U.S. Authorities
July 12, 2017  |  Investments

Alibaba Holding affiliate Ant Financial has resubmitted its bid to buy U.S. money transfer company MoneyGram to U.S. authorities for review. Reuters, quoting unnamed sources...

Lawmakers Worried About China’s US Dealmaking
Lawmakers Worried About China’s US Dealmaking
June 30, 2017  |  International

The White House under President Donald Trump and a group of Democratic and Republican lawmakers are calling for new laws aimed at keeping closer tabs...

US Considers Restricting China AI Investment
US Considers Restricting China AI Investment
June 14, 2017  |  Artificial Intelligence

There’s been a simmering spat between the United States and China centered on national security and technology investments and where the two intersect.  Might the...

MoneyGram, Ant And Making The “Unbanked’s Bank”
MoneyGram, Ant And Making The “Unbanked’s Bank”
May 18, 2017  |  Financial Inclusion

On Tuesday, MoneyGram’s shareholders gave an unequivocal thumbs up to the buyout by Ant Financial. With one more hurdle yet to clear, CFIUS approval, MoneyGram CEO Alex Holmes tells Karen...