
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Fighting First-Party Fraud
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Fighting First-Party Fraud
June 25, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

The opportunities have never been greater, and the challenges more challenging, for America’s small businesses. And with the news that small and-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) could...

Card Disputes Projected to Jump 40% as Friendly Fraud Persists
Card Disputes Projected to Jump 40% as Friendly Fraud Persists
June 19, 2024  |  Credit Cards

Shoppers are reportedly getting increasingly comfortable disputing credit card charges. That’s because consumers have discovered how easy it is to do so, the Wall Street...

Mastercard and Salesforce Team to Resolve Transaction Disputes
Mastercard and Salesforce Team to Resolve Transaction Disputes
May 16, 2024  |  Partnerships

Mastercard and Salesforce have announced an integration designed to reduce purchase disputes and chargebacks. “Disputes and chargebacks, where a consumer notices a transaction they don’t recognise and requests...

Mastercard and Worldpay Partner to Prevent Merchant Chargebacks
Mastercard and Worldpay Partner to Prevent Merchant Chargebacks
March 26, 2024  |  Credit Cards

Mastercard and Worldpay are teaming to help merchants settle transaction disputes faster and reduce chargebacks. Chargebacks — refund requests sparked by customers disputing transactions — are a growing issue,...

Preventive Measures Pay Off as Merchants Fight Surging Chargebacks
Preventive Measures Pay Off as Merchants Fight Surging Chargebacks
March 14, 2024  |  Credit Cards

Chargebacks have long been a thorny issue for merchants. And as transactions become increasingly digitized, chargebacks have in turn become more prevalent. They not only...

Half of Merchants Offering Installment Plans See Increased Chargebacks as Primary Pain Point
Half of Merchants Offering Installment Plans See Increased Chargebacks as Primary Pain Point
February 02, 2024  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Split-payment plans, or installment plans as they are more popularly called, have gained momentum in the consumer commerce space in recent years. These plans —...

Most eCommerce Merchants Recognize Innovation’s Potential in Curbing Fraud
Most eCommerce Merchants Recognize Innovation’s Potential in Curbing Fraud
January 12, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

The digital age has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for business growth, but it has also given rise to increasingly sophisticated fraudulent activities. From friendly fraud...

FTC Bars Chargebacks911 From Using Deceptive Practices
FTC Bars Chargebacks911 From Using Deceptive Practices
November 07, 2023  |  Legal

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and “chargeback mitigation” company Chargebacks911 have reached a settlement to prevent the company from engaging in deceptive practices. The settlement also prohibits the company...

Sift Adds PayPal and Adyen Integrations for Chargeback Management
Sift Adds PayPal and Adyen Integrations for Chargeback Management
September 19, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Sift has unveiled new integrations and automation capabilities for its Dispute Management product, providing merchants with a solution to efficiently manage chargebacks. The latest integrations with PayPal and Adyen, two of...