
Legacy Firms Prep for Digital Buyers Who Don’t Want to Talk to Procurement
Legacy Firms Prep for Digital Buyers Who Don’t Want to Talk to Procurement
July 18, 2023  |  Commercial Payments

Generational divides exist everywhere — but perhaps nowhere more than the business landscape. That’s part of why keeping up with rapidly changing technology and emergent...

Australia Wants to End Check Payments by Decade’s End
Australia Wants to End Check Payments by Decade’s End
June 07, 2023  |  News

The age of the paper check is coming to an end in Australia. Amid a rapid shift to digital payments — the type of movement...

Only 1% of Real Estate Firms Use Real-Time Payments – Why?
Only 1% of Real Estate Firms Use Real-Time Payments – Why?
April 13, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

The real estate industry heavily relies on legacy payment methods for their business-to-business (B2B) transactions, but that is beginning to change. PYMNTS’ latest research reveals...

Digital Disbursements Kill the Uncertainty of ‘The Check’s in the Mail’
Digital Disbursements Kill the Uncertainty of ‘The Check’s in the Mail’
March 06, 2023  |  Digital Payments

“The check is in the mail” is a catchphrase for: You’ll get paid — just don’t hold your breath wondering when. The check is but...

Canadian Businesses Swap Checks for Commercial Cards
Canadian Businesses Swap Checks for Commercial Cards
December 20, 2022  |  B2B Payments

Checks remain a key B2B payment method in Canada, but commercial cards are changing that. A driving force behind this is the partnership of New...

Real-Time Payments Shift Will Be a Case of Evolution, Not Revolution
Real-Time Payments Shift Will Be a Case of Evolution, Not Revolution
September 13, 2022  |  B2B Payments

For faster payments — and specifically, for real-time payments — it may be a case of slow and steady wins the race. In the study...

PYMNTS AM Radar: Digital Brazil; Security for the Win; Check Fraud; You’ve Been Scammed; ICYMI
PYMNTS AM Radar: Digital Brazil; Security for the Win; Check Fraud; You’ve Been Scammed; ICYMI
June 02, 2022  |  Security & Fraud

Today is Thursday, June 2, and Britain is celebrating its longest-reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, in her Platinum Jubilee year. For regular people, that means...

34% of Real Estate B2B Payments Are Made by Check 
34% of Real Estate B2B Payments Are Made by Check 
December 15, 2021  |  B2B Payments

While digitization has been a nearly universal pursuit for company finance leaders over the past year, it has played out differently in various sectors. This...

Paper Checks’ ‘Long Tail’: What It Takes to Move B2B Into the Digital Age 
Paper Checks’ ‘Long Tail’: What It Takes to Move B2B Into the Digital Age 
October 11, 2021  |  B2B Payments

To paraphrase Mark Twain, the death of the check – the paper kind – has been greatly exaggerated. Stubborn things they are – certainly they’ve...