
China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a country in East Asia and the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.404 billion in 2017. Covering approximately 9,600,000 square kilometers, it is the third or fourth largest country by total area.

Alibaba’s Powerful “Singles’ Day”
Alibaba’s Powerful “Singles’ Day”
November 10, 2014  |  International

As U.S. retailers prep for the Black Friday shopping rush, Alibaba has hit another record-breaking single-day sales record. Alibaba said its sales for China’s Singles...

Korean Tech Companies Shifting B2C Focus to B2B Market
Korean Tech Companies Shifting B2C Focus to B2B Market
October 31, 2014  |  International

Major Asian tech companies struggling to keep profits strong have shifted their businesses models from B2C to a B2B focus to position themselves in a stronger...

Chinese Fake Invoice Scandal Rolls On
Chinese Fake Invoice Scandal Rolls On
October 28, 2014  |  B2B Payments

The gap between China’s reported exports to Hong Kong, and what the territory is reporting as imports from the mainland once again widened in September. The...

Fake Invoicing Returns To Haunt Chinese Trade Sector
Fake Invoicing Returns To Haunt Chinese Trade Sector
October 14, 2014  |  B2B Payments

What initially seemed like an accomplishment, Hong Kong overtook the U.S. as the top destination for Chinese goods and materials.  Now it seems like that...

China QR Code Ban Could Soon Be Lifted
China QR Code Ban Could Soon Be Lifted
October 06, 2014  |  International

Back in March, China bans using QR Code for payments, but that may end shortly, according to a report in Mobile Commerce News. The initial...

Samsung And Union Pay Partner Up For Payments
Samsung And Union Pay Partner Up For Payments
October 06, 2014  |  Mobile

Samsung is making its NFC payment move in China, in a deal with UnionPay, China’s largest payment card firm. “The Shanghai-based card company said UnionPay’s...

iPhone6 Sales Greenlighted In China
iPhone6 Sales Greenlighted In China
October 01, 2014  |  International

The Chinese government is officially allowing Apple to start selling the iPhone 6/6 Plus in China after extracting a privacy promise from Apple “that it...