
Citi Worked With Apple And IBM On Bank Enterprise Suite
Citi Worked With Apple And IBM On Bank Enterprise Suite
December 11, 2014  |  Merchant Innovation

In the latest attempt at an IBM-Apple product marriage, the two companies on Wednesday (Dec. 10) unveiled IBM MobileFirst, an iOS enterprise app package that,...

Card Brands, Banks Now Be The Hippest Backers In The Music World
Card Brands, Banks Now Be The Hippest Backers In The Music World
December 09, 2014  |  Payment Methods

Bye-bye soda pop firms, good riddance car companies. The biggest backers of music acts in the U.S. are now card brands and major banks, according...

Citi Backs New Accelerator
Citi Backs New Accelerator
December 02, 2014  |  International

Citi Ventures is backing a new financial technology accelerator, with locations in Germany, Singapore, Brazil and Spain, as well as in the U.S. It is...

Will New Compliance Regulations Hurt Correspondent Banks?
Will New Compliance Regulations Hurt Correspondent Banks?
November 05, 2014  |  B2B Payments

A series of compliance-driven regulations might be enough to push more correspondent banks to cut local bank ties to avoid “regulatory burden strangling their margins,” according...

Citi’s New B2B Analytics Suite
Citi’s New B2B Analytics Suite
October 22, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Citi has introduced Citi Integrated Payables Solutions, a suite of B2B analytics, advisory and payment services. The idea behind the program is that it uses...

Citi Challenges Innovators to Innovate
Citi Challenges Innovators to Innovate
September 23, 2014  |  Mobile

Citi wants to get innovative about getting innovators to innovate, so it’s invoking a competition. It wants developers to push the creativity limit for new...

Apple To Get Rebates From Issuers on Fees
Apple To Get Rebates From Issuers on Fees
September 05, 2014  |  Controversial

Apple has reportedly negotiated deals with several leading issuers to extend card present rates to Apple for all transactions involving their cards with Apple’s new...

Citi’s Digital Wallet Debuts
Citi’s Digital Wallet Debuts
August 27, 2014  |  Alternative Finances

Citi has launched its own digital wallet for online purchases, using MasterCard’s MasterPass system so customers won’t type in an unencrypted credit card number, the...

EMV Cards To Top 575 Million In U.S. In 2015
EMV Cards To Top 575 Million In U.S. In 2015
August 14, 2014  |  Mastercard

More than 575 million U.S. payment cards will include EMV chips by the end of next year, according to a statement issued jointly from Visa...