cloud computing

Deep Dive: How Credit Unions Juggle Cybersecurity Myths For Cloud Computing
Deep Dive: How Credit Unions Juggle Cybersecurity Myths For Cloud Computing
January 30, 2020  |  Credit Unions

Cloud technology has lost some of its mystique in recent years, and consumers’ improved understanding has led to a boost in demand. The cloud computing...

Microsoft Sees Azure Sales Surge 62 Percent
Microsoft Sees Azure Sales Surge 62 Percent
January 29, 2020  |  Earnings

The digital transformation continues for technology giant Microsoft. The company said on Wednesday night that its fiscal second-quarter earnings grew on the heels of commercial...

Credit Unions Find ‘Co-opetition’ Key To Closing The Innovation Gap
Credit Unions Find ‘Co-opetition’ Key To Closing The Innovation Gap
January 28, 2020  |  Credit Unions

Credit unions (CUs) face stiff competition from banks, FinTech firms and other players in the financial industry, but they have several intrinsic advantages. A recent...

Corporates Brace For Cloud Computing Accounting Changes
Corporates Brace For Cloud Computing Accounting Changes
January 02, 2020  |  B2B Payments

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which establishes accounting standards in the U.S., has released new guidance on computing costs for cloud computing to take...

Why Cloud Storage May Be Payments’ Stealth Game-Changer
Why Cloud Storage May Be Payments’ Stealth Game-Changer
December 20, 2019  |  Innovation

Everyone is always looking for some secret sauce for innovation, disruption and growth. Such a thing may or may not exist — it depends on...

PSCU’s Lumin Digital Helps Mutual Security Credit Union Go Digital
PSCU’s Lumin Digital Helps Mutual Security Credit Union Go Digital
December 10, 2019  |  Credit Unions

PSCU’s Lumin Digital has converted over 10,000 Mutual Security Credit Union digital users to a cloud-based platform, Lumin Digital said in a press release on...

Germany Urges EU To Crack Down On Big Tech Platforms
Germany Urges EU To Crack Down On Big Tech Platforms
November 12, 2019  |  Regulation

Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier wrote a letter to European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager, and asked for tighter regulations on Big...

Quantum Computing’s Wright Brothers’ Moment
Quantum Computing’s Wright Brothers’ Moment
November 05, 2019  |  Innovation

On Oct. 23, the team at Google announced it had hit a technological milestone that scientists have been theorizing about for over 30 years: quantum...

How FinTechs Tap Into Cloud Computing’s Advantages
How FinTechs Tap Into Cloud Computing’s Advantages
August 07, 2019  |  Innovation

FinTech firms are tapping into cloud computing as they harness benefits such as scalability, reduced information technology (IT) costs, business continuity, and technology innovation as...