New data from Coinbase has found that 56 percent of the world’s top 50 universities now offer at least one course on crypto or blockchain...
Starship Technologies, a company that deploys self-driving robots, will expand and deliver everything from Starbucks to pizzas — but not booze — to college students...
Theresa May, the prime minister of the U.K., is expected to face backlash over a proposal in which EU nations would pay the same rate...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), aiming to take a lead in educating on artificial intelligence, machine learning and advanced computing, is creating a new college...
Amazon, the eCommerce giant, announced Tuesday (Aug. 15) the launch of Instant Pickup, a free service for Prime and Prime Student members in which they can..., a startup that helps students receive financial aid and scholarships throughout high school, has raised $12 million in venture funding to expand the service around...