
Comdata is a main supplier of fleet management and B2B installment arrangements. As the biggest fuel card supplier and second biggest business backer of MasterCard in North America, we offer one of the most far reaching suites of installment arrangements available.


Tracking The Trends That Shaped 2020’s The Digital-First Economy
Tracking The Trends That Shaped 2020’s The Digital-First Economy
January 01, 2021  |  Data

This year, the PYMNTS data and analytics team published 252 reports that tracked the data, innovations and disruptive thinking that are reshaping the payments and...

Virtual Cards Moving Deeper Into B2B Payments
Virtual Cards Moving Deeper Into B2B Payments
December 21, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Digital transactions are overtaking the B2B universe this year, and with that come concerns about speed and security that attend all such undertakings. It’s casting...

Deep Dive: How Virtual Cards And Automated Processing Ease B2B Payments
Deep Dive: How Virtual Cards And Automated Processing Ease B2B Payments
December 18, 2020  |  CFO

A thriving commercial environment relies on sellers being able to trust that they will be paid when they provide goods and services, but myriad obstacles...

IBM Payments On The Future Of Virtual Cards
IBM Payments On The Future Of Virtual Cards
December 17, 2020  |  CFO

Virtual cards can reduce fraud for businesses transacting online by keeping sensitive payment details safer from cybercriminals, says Mike Cook, senior partner at IBM Payments...

IBM: Securing Virtual Cards Starts With Digital Onboarding
IBM: Securing Virtual Cards Starts With Digital Onboarding
December 16, 2020  |  CFO

Corporate buyers and sellers continue to struggle with disruptions to cash flow and administrative processes that are being caused by the pandemic. This may make...

CFOs Leaving Legacy Process In Their Digital Dust
CFOs Leaving Legacy Process In Their Digital Dust
December 01, 2020  |  CFO

We discover a basic truth upon reading PYMNTS November 2020 CFO’s Guide To Digitizing B2B Payments done in collaboration with Comdata: many treasury operations need...

Deep Dive: How Businesses Deploy APIs And Webhooks To Meet Real-Time B2B Transaction Demands
Deep Dive: How Businesses Deploy APIs And Webhooks To Meet Real-Time B2B Transaction Demands
November 27, 2020  |  CFO

The B2B payments world is changing fast due to both the increased adoption of digital payment methods over the past several years and the economic...

Dell On How The Pandemic Is Pushing The Pace Of B2B Invoice, Payment Delivery
Dell On How The Pandemic Is Pushing The Pace Of B2B Invoice, Payment Delivery
November 26, 2020  |  CFO

Getting paid instantly begins with delivering invoices in real-time, says Kim Vodicka, vice president of commercial operations at Dell Financial Services. In the CFO’s Guide...

Dell Takes An API-Enabled Approach To Fixing Invoicing Pains
Dell Takes An API-Enabled Approach To Fixing Invoicing Pains
November 25, 2020  |  CFO

The COVID-19 pandemic is inspiring many businesses to accelerate their shifts to digital transaction methods as workforces operate remotely from home, and many are finding...