
Commerce or e-commerce, or electronic commerce, and how it has impacted the traditional methods of buying and selling goods.


Today In Data: Correctly Capturing The Moment Of Inspiration
Today In Data: Correctly Capturing The Moment Of Inspiration
August 14, 2018  |  Today In Data

The magic moment in commerce is when the customer sees it – and wants to buy it. The moment of inspiration when if that “buy button” is near...

Today In Data: Slow And Steady Is The Pace
Today In Data: Slow And Steady Is The Pace
August 07, 2018  |  Today In Data

The preferred speed setting for everything in the era of cloud connectivity, mobile and digitization is “faster.” Suppliers want buyers to pay their invoices faster, employees want to be...

Today In Data: Pulling Off A Good Twist Ending
Today In Data: Pulling Off A Good Twist Ending
August 06, 2018  |  Today In Data

It will never be said of Apple that they lacked a flair for the dramatic – and hitting the U.S. public market’s first $1 trillion market...

Today In Data: When Things Aren’t Quite What They Seem
Today In Data: When Things Aren’t Quite What They Seem
August 03, 2018  |  Today In Data

It is easy to get taken in by appearances, which, as the old saying goes, can be deceiving. For example, it can be hard to...

Today In Data: The Best Time Is Real Time
Today In Data: The Best Time Is Real Time
August 01, 2018  |  Today In Data

For businesses, workers and consumers all over the world, the best time for a payment is right now – if at all possible. Unlocking faster payments has...

Five At Five: Twitter Warns Investors On Monthly User Totals
Five At Five: Twitter Warns Investors On Monthly User Totals
July 27, 2018  |  News

Welcome to Five at Five, your late look at the payments and commerce news of the day. Coverage includes a Twitter warning on monthly active...

Magic Beans (No, Not Really) Help Quicken US Economic Growth In 2Q
Magic Beans (No, Not Really) Help Quicken US Economic Growth In 2Q
July 27, 2018  |  Economy

Economic growth? It all amounts to a hill of beans. A really big hill of beans. Okay, we’re not being literal. But the economic data...

Today In Data: The Digital Tide Raising All Boats
Today In Data: The Digital Tide Raising All Boats
July 27, 2018  |  Today In Data

Going digital, optimizing for mobile and chasing the great connected commerce change-over are the prescribed solutions for a wide variety of problems. Sometimes quite wisely...

Today In Data: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Today In Data: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
July 24, 2018  |  Today In Data

There is a lot to be happy about in 2018 — despite the sometimes dire tone of the headlines. Wages have been going up, consumers have reported feeling more economically...