connected cars

The Road Ahead For Connected Car Commerce
The Road Ahead For Connected Car Commerce
July 19, 2019  |  Innovation

The world is changing rapidly. Multi-tasking at the highest levels isn’t just for CEOs or millennials in the “I want it now” era – it’s...

The Road To Self-Driving Retail
The Road To Self-Driving Retail
July 03, 2019  |  Retail

Cars and trucks have always had close links to retail and retail innovation — for starters, just think of drive-thrus and curbside pickup. Those links...

Fleet Payments Explore The Connected Car Opportunity
Fleet Payments Explore The Connected Car Opportunity
July 01, 2019  |  B2B Payments

As financial service conglomerates and innovators move deeper into the B2B payments field, they’re finding a field of opportunity to disrupt clunky manual and legacy...

Putting Commerce Into The Driver’s Seat With 64M Connected Cars To Hit The Road
Putting Commerce Into The Driver’s Seat With 64M Connected Cars To Hit The Road
June 11, 2019  |  Retail

With consumers spending more time in their cars than ever before, they want more out of their vehicles than just transportation from Point A to...

The Connected Car’s Future Sits Behind The Wheel Of 18-Wheelers Today
The Connected Car’s Future Sits Behind The Wheel Of 18-Wheelers Today
June 07, 2019  |  Innovation

This summer, when on the road, take a fresh look at that tractor-trailer in the next lane. Not only does that vehicle have a role...

How Connected Cars Are Changing The Game For QSRs
How Connected Cars Are Changing The Game For QSRs
June 04, 2019  |  Commerce Connected

Cars and quick-service restaurants (QSRs) have been interconnected since drive-ins were the latest innovation. QSRs thrive on speed and convenience, and that once meant catering...

eBay Ups Its Digital Automotive Game
eBay Ups Its Digital Automotive Game
May 31, 2019  |  eCommerce

It’s no secret that digital technology is bringing historic change to the automotive industry, and the latest example comes from eBay. The online marketplace announced...

The Connected Ecosystem Driving The $230B Connected Car Opportunity
The Connected Ecosystem Driving The $230B Connected Car Opportunity
May 30, 2019  |  Commerce Connected

The car is becoming more than just a way for customers to get from Point A to Point B. More of today’s consumers are looking...

Google Revs Up QSR And Connected Vehicle Capabilities
Google Revs Up QSR And Connected Vehicle Capabilities
May 24, 2019  |  Google

Google has recently upped its game in the food service area of retail, further proof that innovation is heating up when it comes to restaurants...