consumer credit

Equifax Buys DataX To Close Credit Reporting Gap
Equifax Buys DataX To Close Credit Reporting Gap
July 17, 2018  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Equifax announced that it has acquired DataX, a leading specialty finance credit reporting agency and alternative data provider to lenders nationwide. As part of the...

Consumer Debt Increases In May
Consumer Debt Increases In May
July 10, 2018  |  Consumer Finance

New data shows that U.S. consumer debt rose in May by the most in six months, showing that Americans were more comfortable with spending midway...

Moody’s: Underwriting Standards Loosen, A Bit, In Q1
Moody’s: Underwriting Standards Loosen, A Bit, In Q1
May 09, 2018  |  Consumer Finance

It got a little easier to get credit in the first quarter, said Moody’s on May 8, but auto loans bear watching. The findings, contained...

Changing The Direction Of Debt Collection
Changing The Direction Of Debt Collection
March 27, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

Debt collectors are historically an unpopular group of people. Even the Bible has shade to throw their way. (Debt collectors, Biblically speaking, share a category...

Credit Reporting Firms To Omit Tax Liens From Consumer Reports
Credit Reporting Firms To Omit Tax Liens From Consumer Reports
March 23, 2018  |  Loans

In a move that could make more than 5 million consumers very happy (and potential lenders very nervous), TransUnion, Equifax and Experian have announced they...

Consumer Credit Hit Record $27.95B In November
Consumer Credit Hit Record $27.95B In November
January 09, 2018  |  Consumer Finance

New data from the Federal Reserve shows that outstanding consumer credit rose by $27.95 billion in November from the previous month, the largest increase in...

CFPB Releases Its Consumer Credit Report Card
CFPB Releases Its Consumer Credit Report Card
December 28, 2017  |  CFPB

December 2017 is something of an anniversary for Americans – though one they probably don’t like to celebrate. Exactly one decade ago, the Great Recession officially...

NY Fed Sees Increase In Access To Consumer Credit
NY Fed Sees Increase In Access To Consumer Credit
November 21, 2017  |  Loans

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York painted a more optimistic picture of U.S. households, saying access to credit has improved at the same time...

PayPal Restructures PayPal Credit, Sells Receivables To Synchrony Financial
PayPal Restructures PayPal Credit, Sells Receivables To Synchrony Financial
November 17, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

PayPal announced Thursday (Nov. 16) that it is selling $6.8 billion in receivables to Synchrony Financial. In a press release, PayPal said it’s selling $6.8...