credit score

FICO Opens Financial Inclusion Lab to Lenders to Expand Lending Decisions
FICO Opens Financial Inclusion Lab to Lenders to Expand Lending Decisions
May 10, 2023  |  Financial Inclusion

FICO has debuted a pair of services to help lenders make better credit decisions. The analytics company Wednesday (May 10) announced the launch of its...

PYMNTS Intelligence: FinTechs Have an Opportunity to Improve Consumers’ Credit Capabilities
PYMNTS Intelligence: FinTechs Have an Opportunity to Improve Consumers’ Credit Capabilities
May 10, 2023  |  Financial Inclusion

With millions of Americans still struggling to access traditional credit options, achieving full financial inclusion will be neither quick nor easy. With an estimated 307...

How Experience-Driven Credit Card Rewards Can Win Gen Z, Millennial Loyalty
How Experience-Driven Credit Card Rewards Can Win Gen Z, Millennial Loyalty
May 01, 2023  |  Loyalty & Rewards

Brits love rewards and place loyalty programs among the top factors considered when choosing where to shop, PYMNTS research has shown. And it’s no different...

Meet the Credit Insecure: 80M US Consumers Who Lack Reliable Credit Access
Meet the Credit Insecure: 80M US Consumers Who Lack Reliable Credit Access
April 27, 2023  |  Loans

Credit offers consumers the flexibility to buy cars and houses and access college educations, yet data shows that 31% of U.S. consumers — about 80...

Banks and FinTechs Pivot to Consumer Credit Rehab
Banks and FinTechs Pivot to Consumer Credit Rehab
December 05, 2022  |  Retail

The rise in stretched consumers has seen more banks and FinTechs looking to help them. With weakened consumer buying power, a major theme of 2022,...

Consumers’ Openness to Payment Options Drives Better Credit Scores
Consumers’ Openness to Payment Options Drives Better Credit Scores
December 05, 2022  |  Payment Methods

Consumers willing to try something new at checkout could boost their credit scores. This at a time when new findings in the report “New Payment Options:...

Intuit Buys SeedFi to Help Credit Karma Customers Build Credit
Intuit Buys SeedFi to Help Credit Karma Customers Build Credit
December 04, 2022  |  Acquisitions

Global FinTech giant Intuit is looking to bolster its credit building business by acquiring SeedFi. The parent company of TurboTax, QuickBooks and Credit Karma announced...

Mobile Loans Keep Africa’s Semiformal Economies in Business
Mobile Loans Keep Africa’s Semiformal Economies in Business
November 23, 2022  |  Disbursements

Solopreneurs and micro-businesses are the lifeblood of Africa’s informal and semiformal economies, but when it comes to accessing working capital loans, they are typically underserved...

Today in the Connected Economy: Experian Offers Renters a ‘Game Changer’
Today in the Connected Economy: Experian Offers Renters a ‘Game Changer’
September 07, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Today in the connected economy, credit reporting agency Experian has launched what it calls a first-of-its-kind tool to help renters boost their credit scores. Plus,...