cross-border payments

Cross-border payment is a term referring to transactions involving individuals, companies, banks or settlement institutions operating in at least two different countries.


Cross-Border Payments Team Formed For Overseas Students
Cross-Border Payments Team Formed For Overseas Students
August 13, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Three global payments service leaders are teaming up to combine a tuition payment plan with health care for Chinese students studying abroad. Western Union Business...

Regalii Expands X-Border Bill Payment Capabilities
Regalii Expands X-Border Bill Payment Capabilities
July 23, 2015  |  International

Regalii, the first global bill payment API that allows companies to pay any bills anywhere in the world, has expanded its footprint to Africa. The company...

Two Commerce, Payments Giants Pair For Global Deals
Two Commerce, Payments Giants Pair For Global Deals
July 09, 2015  |  B2B Payments

As eCommerce takes hold of the global market, B2B and B2C sellers need solutions not only to bring their sales efforts online but to facilitate...

CSI globalVCard Rises To China’s X-Border Payments Challenge
CSI globalVCard Rises To China’s X-Border Payments Challenge
July 08, 2015  |  B2B Payments

According to CSI globalVCard, businesses today are expected to often make payments to, and receive payments from, other companies in China, whether it be corporate...