cryptocurrency mining

This Week in Web3: Crypto Payment Rails and Regulatory Clarity
This Week in Web3: Crypto Payment Rails and Regulatory Clarity
May 15, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

As Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote in the1800s, “families are always rising and falling in America.” And the same holds true for the cryptocurrency and Web3 space...

ProofPoint Warns Of Bank Trojans: A Massive Threat Executives May Overlook
ProofPoint Warns Of Bank Trojans: A Massive Threat Executives May Overlook
August 08, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Warnings from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have enterprises worried about cybersecurity — specifically, concerns about ransomware attacks. Business Email Compromise scams continue to grow...

Kaspersky Discovers New Malware Targeting Corporations
Kaspersky Discovers New Malware Targeting Corporations
July 30, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new form of cryptojacking malware that has targeted corporations in multiple countries. “The malware, which we dubbed PowerGhost,...

Plattsburgh Temporarily Halts Bitcoin Mining As It Raises Electricity Costs
Plattsburgh Temporarily Halts Bitcoin Mining As It Raises Electricity Costs
March 19, 2018  |  Bitcoin

Plattsburgh, the small upstate New York town, has placed a temporary halt on cryptocurrency mining in an effort to preserve natural resources, the health of...