
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.


Bitcoin Daily: P2P Firm Origin Launches Stablecoin; Coinbase Beefs Up Team With Venmo, Adobe, Google Hires
Bitcoin Daily: P2P Firm Origin Launches Stablecoin; Coinbase Beefs Up Team With Venmo, Adobe, Google...
September 23, 2020  |  Bitcoin

Origin unveiled a stablecoin for the Ethereum network dubbed the Origin Dollar (OUSD), according to a Medium post. The digital currency receives “competitive yields” from...

Today In Payments Around The World: PayPal, Mastercard Expand Debit Card Offering In Europe; ECB President Advocates For Digital Euro
Today In Payments Around The World: PayPal, Mastercard Expand Debit Card Offering In Europe; ECB...
September 23, 2020  |  News

In today’s top payments news around the world, PayPal and Mastercard are adding more European Union (EU) countries to a debit card offering, while European...

Today In Digital-First Banking: OCC Issues Stablecoin Guidance For Banks; Deutsche Bank, PNC Plan Branch Closures
Today In Digital-First Banking: OCC Issues Stablecoin Guidance For Banks; Deutsche Bank, PNC Plan Branch...
September 23, 2020  |  Digital-First Banking

In today’s top news in digital-first banking, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has issued stablecoin guidance, and Deutsche Bank intends to...

ECB’s Christine Lagarde Pushes For Digital Euro
ECB’s Christine Lagarde Pushes For Digital Euro
September 22, 2020  |  Cryptocurrency

Speaking before the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly on Monday (Sept. 21), European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde made a case for the digital euro, saying...

Today In Payments Around The World: Works With China’s Central Bank On Cryptocurrency; US Users Rush To Get WeChat App
Today In Payments Around The World: Works With China’s Central Bank On Cryptocurrency; US...
September 22, 2020  |  Digital Payments

In today’s top payments news around the world, is working with China’s central bank to advance cryptocurrency, while U.S. WeChat users are reportedly racing to...

Bitcoin Daily: MicroStrategy CEO Says Bitcoin Is ‘Less Risky’ Than Cash; Police Probe Indian Crypto Exchange In $272K Theft
Bitcoin Daily: MicroStrategy CEO Says Bitcoin Is ‘Less Risky’ Than Cash; Police Probe Indian Crypto...
September 22, 2020  |  Bitcoin

The CEO of a Virginia-based software firm claimed that the Federal Reserve’s easing of its inflation approach was a factor in his decision to convert...

Federal Banks, Savings Associations Win Approval For Some Crypto Activities
Federal Banks, Savings Associations Win Approval For Some Crypto Activities
September 22, 2020  |  Cryptocurrency

The regulator of the nation’s banks has issued its first guidance on stablecoins, the cryptocurrency backed by traditional currency.  A letter by the Office of...

Bitcoin Daily: US National Banks To Hold Reserve Currencies For Stablecoins; Stripe To Pay Massachusetts $120K In PlexCoin ICO Role
Bitcoin Daily: US National Banks To Hold Reserve Currencies For Stablecoins; Stripe To Pay Massachusetts...
September 21, 2020  |  Bitcoin

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released a letter that explained the authority of federal savings associations and national banks to keep...

Bitcoin Daily: Australian Man Sentenced For Mining Crypto On Gov’t Supercomputers; Oil Fund Claims 600 BTC Among World’s Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund
Bitcoin Daily: Australian Man Sentenced For Mining Crypto On Gov’t Supercomputers; Oil Fund Claims 600...
September 20, 2020  |  Bitcoin

A former contractor for the Australian government’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization has been sentenced to 300 hours of community service after pleading guilty...