currency cloud

Currency, Viewed Through A B2B Cloud
Currency, Viewed Through A B2B Cloud
July 13, 2016  |  B2B Payments

B2B transactions are lagging in the transition from paper checks to digital payments. But cross-border transactions, coupled with cloud technology, are gaining traction in a...

Non-Cash Payments Market Closer To Reality?
Non-Cash Payments Market Closer To Reality?
December 17, 2015  |  Payment Methods

A new report from Currency Cloud shines light on the hidden transaction market, which includes an entire sector of payments that are non-cash-based and thrive...

Faster Global Payments — On Demand
Faster Global Payments — On Demand
October 19, 2015  |  In Depth

Currency Cloud is greasing the engines of cross-border B2B payments. Last week, the company unveiled an update to its API that brings faster transaction speeds...

Currency Cloud Using Funding To Fuel US Expansion
Currency Cloud Using Funding To Fuel US Expansion
July 10, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Facilitating the transfer of money often results in a great deal of misconceptions and issues for both consumers and businesses. But Mike Laven, CEO of...

Moving Money Cross Border via an API?
Moving Money Cross Border via an API?
April 17, 2014  |  B2B Payments

The Currency Cloud has transformed cross border money movement by making its platform a “money as service” API. It just snagged another $10 M to...