
Forget Bitcoin — Privacy Tokens A Favorite Of The Bad Guys
Forget Bitcoin — Privacy Tokens A Favorite Of The Bad Guys
January 03, 2018  |  Blockchain / Distributed Ledger

Bitcoin may be garnering a lot of interest from all sorts of investors, but it’s losing its luster for criminals, as they move on to...

Senators Dissatisfied With Equifax’s $7M Deal With The IRS
Senators Dissatisfied With Equifax’s $7M Deal With The IRS
October 05, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ben Sasse have some questions for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when it comes to Equifax. Less than a month after...

Dark Web Down But Not Out
Dark Web Down But Not Out
August 21, 2017  |  Markets

The black market took a hit when, in July, law enforcement took down two of the biggest dark web marketplaces, AlphaBay and Hansa Market. AlphaBay...

Survey Says Security Professionals Doubt Effectiveness of Encryption Backdoors
Survey Says Security Professionals Doubt Effectiveness of Encryption Backdoors
August 18, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Venafi, the provider of machine identity protection, announced Thursday (Aug. 17) that, based on survey results, the majority of IT security professionals think encryption backdoors...

Too Much Security? There’s No Such Thing
Too Much Security? There’s No Such Thing
August 18, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Retailers are retailers, not security experts. Too often, their best efforts can create friction at the point of sale for consumers, which leads to shopping...

Digital Shadows Study Discovers Online Schools For Cybercriminals
Digital Shadows Study Discovers Online Schools For Cybercriminals
July 20, 2017  |  Fraud Attack

Digital Shadows, the industry leader in digital risk management, revealed its findings on the changing habits and tactics of organized credit card fraud gangs, discovering...

Karamba And Securing The Connected Car Future
Karamba And Securing The Connected Car Future
July 19, 2017  |  Internet of Things

The connected car future is more or less becoming the connected car present, and with that changeover, cars are becoming more than they ever have...

The Part Of Fraud That’s On The Decline
The Part Of Fraud That’s On The Decline
July 17, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Catching fraudsters isn’t as easy as just checking the IP address of an order anymore. Today’s fraudsters are smart, well-funded and coordinated, much more so...

RSA: Biometrics Are The Sweet Spot Between Convenience And Security
RSA: Biometrics Are The Sweet Spot Between Convenience And Security
July 12, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Teach a man to phish and he’ll launch a phishing attempt every 30 seconds for the rest of his life. So what can businesses do...