Despite it being a ghost town in IPOville, Oddity, a beauty and technology company responsible for managing brands like Il Makiage and Spoiled Child, has...
Fintech upSWOT, which offers data analysis for small businesses, will be teaming with Wipro, a tech services and consulting company, to add digital banking tools...
With the current shortage of used vehicles, businesses that buy and sell cars often must step outside their familiar territory and look at autos they don’t...
Percayso Inform, a startup that provides insurers access to data sources, has raised 3.4 million pounds ($4.6 million), the Nottingham, England-based firm announced Wednesday (Feb....
Lending has become increasingly streamlined, including automated approvals and disbursements, but the pandemic demonstrated weaknesses in digital lending. Demand for both consumer and small business...
Money laundering is a pervasive phenomenon around the world, with the estimated amount of money laundered in a given year totaling 2.7% of the global...
Although still a horrific event, the ongoing coronavirus crisis has, in many ways, created positive outcomes. In the world of payments, the pandemic introduced a...
Chargeback options are meant to protect consumers, but shoppers also sometimes file claims over purchases they simply don’t recall or don’t want to pay for....
Vending machines have increasingly moved beyond salty snacks to offering a variety of fresh food options, something that CEO Luke Saunders, of fresh meal vending...