data analytics

Alternative Data Revolutionized Small Business Lending in 2023
Alternative Data Revolutionized Small Business Lending in 2023
December 18, 2023  |  SMBs

A lot can change in a year, particularly for the small- to medium-sized business (SMB) segment. And while change can be a constant, constant change...

Blue Yonder Adds Generative AI Capability to Supply Chain Solutions
Blue Yonder Adds Generative AI Capability to Supply Chain Solutions
December 12, 2023  |  Supply Chain

Blue Yonder has added generative artificial intelligence (AI) capability to its range of supply chain solutions. The new Blue Yonder Orchestrator helps companies make sense...

How Cash Flow Insights Are Building Tomorrow’s Credit Products
How Cash Flow Insights Are Building Tomorrow’s Credit Products
December 12, 2023  |  Loans

The lending landscape is undergoing a system-level shift that promises to benefit both borrowers and lenders. FinTech innovations, and an evolving mindset within the industry,...

McDonald’s Targets 250 Million Rewards Users by 2027 as QSRs Boost Personalization
McDonald’s Targets 250 Million Rewards Users by 2027 as QSRs Boost Personalization
December 07, 2023  |  Loyalty & Rewards

With quick-service restaurants (QSRs) increasingly pushing their digital loyalty programs to gain valuable customer data, McDonald’s is aiming to add 100 million new members in...

Payment Processors’ Data Analytics Key to Attracting Retail Clients
Payment Processors’ Data Analytics Key to Attracting Retail Clients
December 05, 2023  |  SMBs

Most small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across industries use some kind of payment processor. The most common providers are PayPal, Square and Shopify, which are...

Experian Debuts Additions to Ascend Analytics Platform
Experian Debuts Additions to Ascend Analytics Platform
December 05, 2023  |  Data

Information services provider Experian has introduced new capabilities for its cloud-based analytics platform Ascend. The new tools are designed to increase operational efficiency, maximize profitability and support lenders and...

Experian Acquires Wave to Enhance AI-Powered Health Data Curation
Experian Acquires Wave to Enhance AI-Powered Health Data Curation
November 30, 2023  |  Healthcare

Experian has acquired Wave HDC, a health tech firm offering AI-powered data curation. The deal is designed to help Experian Health leverage Wave’s technology to offer more comprehensive and...

Data Helps FinTechs Forge Much-Needed Path to Profitability
Data Helps FinTechs Forge Much-Needed Path to Profitability
November 28, 2023  |  Data

For FinTechs, capturing data, analyzing it, and perhaps even monetizing it through partnerships will help determine who’s profitable, and ultimately, which FinTechs survive and thrive....

Payment Processors Adapt Strategies to Woo Main Street SMBs
Payment Processors Adapt Strategies to Woo Main Street SMBs
November 24, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Small-to-mid-sized businesses (SMBs) on the main streets of the United States heavily rely on payment processors to facilitate their transactions. While PayPal and Square dominate...