Data Breaches

Wells Fargo on Fraud Decisioning And The New Consumer’s New Normal
Wells Fargo on Fraud Decisioning And The New Consumer’s New Normal
May 04, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Financial institutions (FIs) face tough decisions when trying to keep their clients safe. Customers and merchants rely on their banks and credit unions (CUs) to ensure...

Deep Dive: Emerging Security Threats Facing The CU Space And How Data Analytics Can Help
Deep Dive: Emerging Security Threats Facing The CU Space And How Data Analytics Can Help
May 04, 2020  |  Credit Unions

Advances in technology are making consumer transactions seemingly more secure, but cybercriminals are still finding sophisticated ways to beat systems and commit financial fraud. A 2018 study on payment...

Stopping Fraudsters From Taking The Travel Industry For An $11B Ride
Stopping Fraudsters From Taking The Travel Industry For An $11B Ride
March 20, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

With the global travel industry expected to lose $11 billion to fraud this year, online travel agents (OTAs) must safeguard against threats across multiple channels....

Making A Sizzling Leap Into Digital Banking
Making A Sizzling Leap Into Digital Banking
February 21, 2020  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

To be the bank, buy the bank. Earlier this week, a FinTech took the leap into the full spectrum of financial services, perhaps paving the...

Google Quits Cookies As Data Privacy Regs Show Fangs
Google Quits Cookies As Data Privacy Regs Show Fangs
February 05, 2020  |  Safety and Security

Looks like the digital advertising and marketing sectors are in for a reckoning. How that will affect merchants’ online promotional activity hangs in the balance....

How DocuSign Keeps Phishers From Hooking Their Data
How DocuSign Keeps Phishers From Hooking Their Data
January 24, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Phishing is an enormous fear for businesses, with attacks accounting for 90 percent of data breaches. It’s an especially pertinent concern for DocuSign, which processes...

Fraud Decisioning Adapts To Shifting Conditions
Fraud Decisioning Adapts To Shifting Conditions
January 21, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Just when you think there are no surprises left, this statistic drops: 60 percent of organizations recently polled had no idea their customer data had...

UK Regulators’ Data Violations Fines Top $126.5M 
UK Regulators’ Data Violations Fines Top $126.5M 
January 20, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Regulators in the U.K. have levied €114 million ($126 million) in fines for data violations since instituting new stronger privacy mandates in mid-2018, The Financial...