data brief

Inflation Puts Consumers on Alert for Discounts
Inflation Puts Consumers on Alert for Discounts
March 18, 2024  |  Consumer Insights

Consumers closed 2023 by increasing their spending — nearly 7% more over what they spent the previous year, according to PYMNTS intelligence data — indicating...

Inflation Concerns Sideline Small Business Borrowing
Inflation Concerns Sideline Small Business Borrowing
March 15, 2024  |  SMBs

With the news that inflation climbed upward last month, many small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) may find themselves walking a tightrope with even fewer safety nets...

Consumers Spend More at Restaurants When Using Digital Wallets
Consumers Spend More at Restaurants When Using Digital Wallets
March 14, 2024  |  Digital Payments

Digital wallets — such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, which use near-field communication tags, and Amazon Pay and PayPal, which use QR codes —...

Operational Innovations Drive Software Publishing Marketplaces
Operational Innovations Drive Software Publishing Marketplaces
March 13, 2024  |  Innovation

The software publishing industry is in a state of flux right now as it embraces embedded finance to facilitate new growth — and many payment...

Optimism in Fleet and Mobility Sector Fuels Use of Working Capital
Optimism in Fleet and Mobility Sector Fuels Use of Working Capital
March 12, 2024  |  Business

All companies in growth mode need access to capital, whether to fund short-term operational needs, mitigate unexpected expenses or execute plans for growth. One key...

Acquirers Eye Expansion of Installment Payment Plans Amid Consumer Demand
Acquirers Eye Expansion of Installment Payment Plans Amid Consumer Demand
March 08, 2024  |  Payment Methods

Acquirers — the financial institutions that provide the infrastructure for merchants and businesses to accept card payments — operate behind the scenes but can play...

eCommerce Merchants Fail to Connect Failed Payments and Fraud
eCommerce Merchants Fail to Connect Failed Payments and Fraud
March 08, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

Despite the many fraudsters on the prowl seeking to exploit any vulnerabilities they can find in the payments ecosystem, only about one-third of eCommerce merchants...

85% Say Connected Devices Make Multitasking Easier at Work
85% Say Connected Devices Make Multitasking Easier at Work
March 07, 2024  |  Connected Economy

Chances are pretty good that you are reading this article while you are at work. And although your boss may not be thrilled to hear...

New Data: Security Concerns Overshadow Convenience in ‘Everyday App’ Debate
New Data: Security Concerns Overshadow Convenience in ‘Everyday App’ Debate
March 06, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

More consumers than ever now rely on mobile apps to manage their daily chores. PYMNTS Intelligence found that a growing percentage of Americans click on...