Dave Barrowman

Using AI To Power The Retail Experience
Using AI To Power The Retail Experience
September 19, 2017  |  Merchant Innovation

When is milk not milk? This is no trick question — it’s a distinction that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to have to learn to make...

The Amazon Whole Foods Deal Is Done — Now What?
The Amazon Whole Foods Deal Is Done — Now What?
August 28, 2017  |  Amazon

Just a few short months from the merger announcement, and as of this week, the deal is done: Amazon officially owns Whole Foods. To celebrate...

Bricks And Mortar, With A Dash Of Service For Customer Stickiness
Bricks And Mortar, With A Dash Of Service For Customer Stickiness
July 25, 2017  |  Data Drivers

Can bricks-and-mortar survive the eCommerce onslaught? In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Dave Barrowman, who serves as Vice President of Innovation at Skava, said...