Paying over time, traditionally a hallmark of short-term installment loans, is becoming an option where goods are paid for using money on hand and over...
With consumers increasingly expecting to be able to pay however they want, Walmart and Amazon are adding new payment options. Walmart is working with Fiserv...
Galileo Financial Technologies introduced a credit offering aimed at underbanked/underserved consumers. Secured Credit with Dynamic Funding is designed to simplify the secured credit process, making...
Following through on reports circulated Monday (Sept. 23), the U.S. Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa, accusing it of stifling competition in...
Cryptocurrencies were created to address supposed pain points across the financial system. By decentralizing transaction verification and record-keeping through a distributed ledger, blockchain-based digital assets...
More than half a billion people own crypto, primarily as a speculative investment. And now, with the news Thursday (Sept. 5) that Mercuryo has launched...
Direct debits have been popular through the decades — across a variety of use cases — especially when it comes to bill payments and subscriptions....
There is strong demand for metal payment cards as issuers work to attract and retain premium card customers, CompoSecure said Wednesday (Aug. 7). The provider...
Playing a hot hand of new deals and balanced global consumer spending, Mastercard posted double-digit revenue growth for the second quarter, as announced in its...