Debt Collection

CFPB Finds Failures in Loan Collection and Medical Credit Cards
CFPB Finds Failures in Loan Collection and Medical Credit Cards
July 02, 2024  |  CFPB

The companies collecting Americans’ student loans, auto loans and medical payments have some work to do. That’s according to a report issued Tuesday (July 2) by the Consumer...

Small Businesses Owe $59 Billion From COVID Disaster Loans
Small Businesses Owe $59 Billion From COVID Disaster Loans
May 02, 2024  |  Loans

The Small Business Administration (SBA) loaned out $390 billion to keep companies afloat during COVID. Now, many of those small businesses say they are struggling to pay back...

CFPB Probe Finds Abuse in Auto and Payday Loans
CFPB Probe Finds Abuse in Auto and Payday Loans
July 26, 2023  |  CFPB

America’s consumer watchdog says it’s uncovered deception and abuse in several consumer financial products. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a report Wednesday (July...

Why Collecting Payments Starts With Better Invoices
Why Collecting Payments Starts With Better Invoices
May 02, 2023  |  SMBs

Cash is the lifeblood of a business, meaning that delayed payments delay growth. Payment defaults are even worse. Today’s turbulent macroclimate has only underscored the...

CFPB: Veterans at Risk From Errors by Credit Bureaus, Debt Collectors
CFPB: Veterans at Risk From Errors by Credit Bureaus, Debt Collectors
June 13, 2022  |  Personal Finance

Members of the U.S. military are especially vulnerable to erroneous or unscrupulous actions by companies connected with credit ratings and debt collection, the federal Consumer...

NexaCollect Rolls Out B2B Division For Commercial Debt Collection
NexaCollect Rolls Out B2B Division For Commercial Debt Collection
June 22, 2020  |  B2B Payments

To help firms retrieve funds from past-due invoices, NexaCollect has rolled out a B2B arm that provides information about commercial debt collection, according to an...

Will New CFPB Rules Finally Be Able To Put Zombie Debt To Rest?
Will New CFPB Rules Finally Be Able To Put Zombie Debt To Rest?
March 03, 2020  |  Debt

The phenomenon of zombie debt is not new to the U.S. economy — nor are consumer complaints about collection agencies that use aggressive tactics in...

CFPB’s 2020: Drawing A Bead On Abusive Practices — And States’ Activities
CFPB’s 2020: Drawing A Bead On Abusive Practices — And States’ Activities
January 27, 2020  |  CFPB

For the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 2020 may be a landmark year. There’s the looming question over the agency’s very constitutionality, recent definitions of...

How SMBs Can Address Late Payments — Before They Happen
How SMBs Can Address Late Payments — Before They Happen
January 10, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Few small businesses (SMBs) are immune to the risk of delayed and late payments. With payment terms an age-old practice in B2B trade, ensuring trust...