The metaverse may not be living up to the lofty promises that captured the attention of enthusiasts. The metaverse, an interconnected system of digital worlds...
Payments services provider Worldline is expanding its virtual shopping program. The French company announced Tuesday (Dec. 12) the launch of the Worldline Metaverse Shopping Hub...
The metaverse is expected to open up a world of opportunities for businesses and is projected to generate up to $2.6 trillion in commerce volume...
It all started with a cat and a baby. In 1959, neurophysiologists David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel conducted an experiment on an anesthetized cat to...
Meta’s ambitions to transform itself into a metaverse powerhouse on the scale of Facebook was met with another round of doubt as Needham analysts downgraded...
There’s a huge amount of hype, and increasingly, money, being poured into “the metaverse” by some of the largest companies in the world as well...
In 1992, Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” rocketed him to fame in sci-fi’s then-fledgling cyberpunk genre by imagining a dystopian world in which people escape by...
There has been a staggering amount of hype around “the metaverse” over the past six months to a year, with major brands from McDonald’s to...
Can you hold a Memorial Day celebration in the metaverse? Of course. Should you? That’s another question — and one with a lot of question...