
Delivery is the process of transporting goods from a source location to a predefined destination. There are different delivery types. Cargo are primarily delivered via roads and railroads on land, shipping lanes on the sea and airline networks in the air.
Just Eat Takeaway To End Its Gig Worker Model
Just Eat Takeaway To End Its Gig Worker Model
August 16, 2020  |  Gig Economy

As courts force an end to the use of gig workers by Uber and Lyft in California, the CEO of Just Eat Takeaway said he...

Walmart’s Flipkart Adds Alcohol Delivery In Two Indian States
Walmart’s Flipkart Adds Alcohol Delivery In Two Indian States
August 14, 2020  |  Delivery

Flipkart, Walmart’s eCommerce website in India, has partnered with one of the country’s largest alcohol companies to deliver liquor in two Indian states, Reuters reported....

Move Over, FedEx: Amazon Vaults Ahead In Delivery Race
Move Over, FedEx: Amazon Vaults Ahead In Delivery Race
August 13, 2020  |  Delivery

Amazon’s epic push to deliver its own packages and cut out third parties like FedEx is picking up speed during the pandemic, with a dramatic...

Amazon Cuts Delivery Contracts; 1,200 Jobs Lost
Amazon Cuts Delivery Contracts; 1,200 Jobs Lost
August 13, 2020  |  Amazon

Despite a 40 percent increase in revenue in the second quarter, Amazon has cut more than 1,200 delivery contract jobs. CNBC reports the eCommerce leader...

Deep Dive: Why Address Verification Lags Can Tank The Digital Onboarding Experience
Deep Dive: Why Address Verification Lags Can Tank The Digital Onboarding Experience
August 13, 2020  |  Digital Onboarding

Incorrect or late deliveries can frustrate consumers, especially in a climate in which home-delivered goods reliance skyrocketed so highly that one-day delivery quickly became a...

DoorDash Next Gig Platform To Face Injunction In California Over Gig Worker Status
DoorDash Next Gig Platform To Face Injunction In California Over Gig Worker Status
August 13, 2020  |  Gig Economy

DoorDash, the San Francisco-based prepared food delivery service, could be the latest gig company to face an injunction to treat its workers as employees, not...

Today In Payments: COVID Hit UK Hard; Amex Negotiating To Buy SMB Lender Kabbage
Today In Payments: COVID Hit UK Hard; Amex Negotiating To Buy SMB Lender Kabbage
August 12, 2020  |  News

In today’s top news, the impact of the pandemic has hit the U.K. harder than other developed countries, and Amex is eying an acquisition of...

Just Eat Takeaway Profits Soar With Pandemic Lockdowns
Just Eat Takeaway Profits Soar With Pandemic Lockdowns
August 12, 2020  |  Earnings

Just Eat, the European food-ordering firm, reported increased revenue and profits for the first half of the year as the COVID-19 pandemic boosted online...