
Delivery is the process of transporting goods from a source location to a predefined destination. There are different delivery types. Cargo are primarily delivered via roads and railroads on land, shipping lanes on the sea and airline networks in the air.

In Hungary, A Shopping Ban Means E-Commerce Too
In Hungary, A Shopping Ban Means E-Commerce Too
January 07, 2015  |  Europe

Think online shopping is the perfect way to get around restrictions on when brick-and-mortar stores are allowed to be open? Think again — this week...

Re-Delivery Services Pose Problems For E-Retail
Re-Delivery Services Pose Problems For E-Retail
December 30, 2014  |  News

As online retailers search for ways to make deliveries as convenient as possible for customers, third-party services are trying to fill the gap — with...

Amazon’s Coming: One If By Bike, Two If By Air
Amazon’s Coming: One If By Bike, Two If By Air
December 09, 2014  |  Merchant Innovation

Amazon has decided that getting the package to customers is half the fun if it can be done in half the time. On land, it’s...

DHL Wants To Deliver Your Package To Your Parked Car
DHL Wants To Deliver Your Package To Your Parked Car
November 18, 2014  |  Europe

Online deliveries could soon be delivered to customers’ parked cars, according to Bloomberg News. Delivery service DHL and carmaker Volvo are working on a service...

Ron Johnson Surfaces Driving A Delivery Business
Ron Johnson Surfaces Driving A Delivery Business
September 25, 2014  |  News

Former JCPenney CEO Ron Johnson—who before that ran Apple Retail—is reportedly launching an on-demand service for the delivery of electronics. A report from The Information...

Liquor Stores Go Mobile
Liquor Stores Go Mobile
May 30, 2014  |  Mobile Commerce

Mobile apps can match taxi drivers to passengers, travelers with spare bedrooms and now liquor stores with people who want beer, wine and spirits delivered...