Department of Transportation

Today In Payments: New Research Shows 100K+ SMBs Won’t Recover; Uber, Grubhub Combo Would Create Delivery Giant
Today In Payments: New Research Shows 100K+ SMBs Won’t Recover; Uber, Grubhub Combo Would Create...
May 13, 2020  |  News

In today’s top news, new research shows that more than 100,000 SMBs will fold due to the pandemic, and Uber has reportedly made an offer...

Traveler Complaints Prompt DOT To Remind Airlines Of Refund Rules
Traveler Complaints Prompt DOT To Remind Airlines Of Refund Rules
May 12, 2020  |  Travel Payments

As thousands of complaints about airlines flood the Department of Transportation (DOT), the department is issuing a warning to airlines: Don’t renege on obligations. According...

Former GM Chief Says Ditch Vehicle Ownership For Ridesharing
Former GM Chief Says Ditch Vehicle Ownership For Ridesharing
December 12, 2019  |  Subscription Commerce

What was once a radical idea is seeming much less radical these days, and thanks has to go to modern payments and commerce, among other...