digital currencies

Stablecoin Issuer Tether Freezes $1M in USDT
Stablecoin Issuer Tether Freezes $1M in USDT
January 04, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

Top stablecoin issuer Tether froze more than $1 million worth of USDT in a private digital wallet last week, effectively making it unusable.  Ethereum block...

Etsy’s Payments Chief Says Local Payments Essential For Cross-Border Success
Etsy’s Payments Chief Says Local Payments Essential For Cross-Border Success
November 04, 2021  |  Cross-border Payments

Growing consumer interest in digital payment options at in-store and online retailers was rising even before the pandemic boosted acceptance. Recent research forecast that global...

Deep Dive: How Emerging Authentication Options Impact Digital Payments
Deep Dive: How Emerging Authentication Options Impact Digital Payments
November 02, 2021  |  Digital Payments

While cashless payments were a popular payment alternative before the pandemic, they have since become nearly ubiquitous as digitally-savvy consumers were driven to online shopping and...

Wirex: Mastering the Global Cryptocurrency Payment Opportunity
Wirex: Mastering the Global Cryptocurrency Payment Opportunity
October 13, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are gaining more attention from consumers and businesses today, with businesses analyzing how virtual currencies could address their payments needs. Businesses looking to go global are particularly interested in them...

Dubai’s SFM Corporate Services Accepts Crypto Payments
Dubai’s SFM Corporate Services Accepts Crypto Payments
September 02, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Dubai-based SFM corporate services, which has helped investors and entrepreneurs incorporate businesses in nearly 25 countries, has seen a 10% increase in business since it...

Bitcoin Fever May Be Stoking Interest In CBDCs
Bitcoin Fever May Be Stoking Interest In CBDCs
April 02, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

It seems a rising bitcoin tide lifts all digital currency boats. As CNBC reported Friday morning (April 2) as bitcoin prices gain ground — and are...

Public Mint Extends Fiat Blockchain For Commercial Use
Public Mint Extends Fiat Blockchain For Commercial Use
July 02, 2020  |  Blockchain

Much has been written about how delivering fiat currencies digitally can boost financial inclusion and perhaps streamline financial services. The blockchain has been touted as...

Private/Public Partnerships Could Boost Central Bank Digital Currencies
Private/Public Partnerships Could Boost Central Bank Digital Currencies
May 27, 2020  |  Cryptocurrency

The movement toward digital currencies may be a bit of an arms race of sorts, for now. But the question arises: Once they’ve been created...

Japan’s Central Bank Calls For Nuance With Gov-Backed Crypto
Japan’s Central Bank Calls For Nuance With Gov-Backed Crypto
February 27, 2020  |  Cryptocurrency

Bank of Japan (BOJ) Deputy Governor Masayoshi Amamiya said that before they issue their own digital currencies, central banks around the world should attempt to...