digital identity

A digital identity is information on an entity used by computer systems to represent an external agent. That agent may be a person, organization, application, or device. ISO/IEC 24760-1 defines identity as "set of attributes related to an entity".


ID2020: What’s Needed For Digital Identity In 2020
ID2020: What’s Needed For Digital Identity In 2020
March 27, 2020  |  Digital Identity

Who we are, where we’re headed and what this all looks like on the “other side” of the pandemic are topics on everyone’s mind right...

Why Digital Identity Needs A New Normal – Now
Why Digital Identity Needs A New Normal – Now
March 27, 2020  |  Digital Identity

Although every business wants to “future-proof,” actually doing it is much, much harder. As the first quarter of 2020 has been kind enough to demonstrate on a...

Melissa Unveils ‘World Encyclopedia’ To Ensure Address Accuracy
Melissa Unveils ‘World Encyclopedia’ To Ensure Address Accuracy
March 20, 2020  |  Data

In an attempt to offer expert address accuracy and management insight to companies of varying sizes and budgets, global intelligence solutions provider Melissa has released its “World...

Could The Coronavirus Crisis Solve Digital IDs’ ‘Chicken and Egg’ Problem?
Could The Coronavirus Crisis Solve Digital IDs’ ‘Chicken and Egg’ Problem?
March 17, 2020  |  Authentication

When all is said and done, when the pandemic is over, when we emerge on the other side of this, it’s safe to say that...

AML/KYC Compliance Riffs On Biometrics
AML/KYC Compliance Riffs On Biometrics
March 16, 2020  |  Authentication

Anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulators have released the hounds, with billions in fines leveled by governments worldwide against financial institutions (FIs),...

Digital Identity Gets Its Recognition
Digital Identity Gets Its Recognition
March 13, 2020  |  Authentication

Say goodbye to your passwords … if you can remember them. As verifiable digital identity gradually becomes the next-gen driver’s license and passport, companies and...

Deep Dive: Digital Driver’s Licenses Hit The Road
Deep Dive: Digital Driver’s Licenses Hit The Road
March 12, 2020  |  Authentication

Digitized national identities are becoming popular around the world, with countries such as Australia, Estonia and Sierra Leone working to provide them. These initiatives are...

Biometrics: The Key To Overcoming Contactless Payment Limits?
Biometrics: The Key To Overcoming Contactless Payment Limits?
March 10, 2020  |  Authentication

 Digital identity solutions are becoming more and more commonplace, especially as consumers grow increasingly aware of the weaknesses of authentication methods like passwords. A recent...

PSCU Testing CULedger’s Blockchain-Based Digital ID System
PSCU Testing CULedger’s Blockchain-Based Digital ID System
February 24, 2020  |  Credit Unions

PSCU, the credit union service organization (CUSO), announced on Monday (Feb. 24) that it is finishing up a proof of concept (POC) with CULedger and...