digital identity

A digital identity is information on an entity used by computer systems to represent an external agent. That agent may be a person, organization, application, or device. ISO/IEC 24760-1 defines identity as "set of attributes related to an entity".


Digital Identity Tracker: Why Banks Farm Out Mobile Security
Digital Identity Tracker: Why Banks Farm Out Mobile Security
January 24, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

When it comes to choosing a bank, for consumers it’s increasingly about the app. It’s then up to the bank to ensure the app is...

Digital Identity Tracker: Will Biometrics Ring In A More Secure 2017?
Digital Identity Tracker: Will Biometrics Ring In A More Secure 2017?
December 27, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

It’s been slow going when it comes to consumer adoption, but it seems digital identity companies are starting to bet big on mobile payment technology becoming...

Socure Closes On $13 Million Round Of Funding
Socure Closes On $13 Million Round Of Funding
December 14, 2016  |  Investments

Socure, a digital identity verification technology company, announced Tuesday (Dec. 13) it closed a $13 million round of funding led by Flint Capital, with participation...

Blocking Out Fraudsters
Blocking Out Fraudsters
December 01, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Could the same technology that powers bitcoin be used to protect your identity? For the latest Digital Identity Tracker™, PYMNTS discussed blockchain-based security and the...

New Report: Blockchaining Out Bad Actors?
New Report: Blockchaining Out Bad Actors?
November 30, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Could the same technology that powers bitcoin be used to protect your identity? For the latest Digital Identity Tracker™, PYMNTS discussed blockchain-based security and the...

Eyes As The Window To The (Secure) Digital Soul
Eyes As The Window To The (Secure) Digital Soul
November 29, 2016  |  Data Drivers

After 36 years, eye-based biometrics is more than a buzzword — it’s gaining currency in the payments world. In the latest Data Drivers, Karen Webster...

How Digital Security Could Decide The Presidency
How Digital Security Could Decide The Presidency
November 03, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Recent hacks surrounding next week’s election have exposed some serious risks in how most people and companies protect themselves online.

For Digital Identities, Verify And Verify Again
For Digital Identities, Verify And Verify Again
October 31, 2016  |  PYMNTS Topic TBD

Trust, but verify? How about verify, then trust? As data breaches proliferate, financial institutions must make sure that consumers are who they say they are, online...

Digital Security 2016: At The Crossroads Of Biometrics, EMV And Mobility?
Digital Security 2016: At The Crossroads Of Biometrics, EMV And Mobility?
October 26, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Between biometrics, EMV and mobile security, it’s been a busy year in Digital Identity. These trending topics have generated plenty of news over the past...