With 90 percent of diners at full-service restaurants paying with cards, cash ends up in short supply when waitstaff want to cash out at shift’s...
Traditional payment practices are rapidly being retired as faster disbursement solutions become available. From the gig economy to small businesses (SMBs) and the restaurant industry,...
P2P services like Venmo and Zelle enable users to quickly transfer funds via their smartphones, and the speed and convenience they offer could be creating...
For the two-thirds of the U.S. population living paycheck to paycheck, the two-week wait can feel like an eternity. Yet, according to Mark Wes, head...
The rise of fast-acting payment solutions is changing the way businesses and governments issue payments to consumers and citizens. Demand for instant payments is also...
A series of natural disasters — including hurricanes, wildfires and winter storms — caused approximately $91 billion in damage across the U.S. last year. The...
Millions of Americans move each year, fueling an industry worth roughly $18 billion. Yet, haggling with movers over cash payments is still an all-too-common practice,...
Whether collecting fares as an Uber driver, an insurance claim as a homeowner or payment as a gig worker who just finished moving someone’s belongings,...
In a digital commerce ecosystem, two parties that have never met before must agree to transactions or assignments, deliver and receive products and, perhaps most...