
67% of Microbusinesses Likely to Work With Companies That Offer Free, Instant Disbursements
67% of Microbusinesses Likely to Work With Companies That Offer Free, Instant Disbursements
January 19, 2022  |  B2B Payments

Fulfilling payments needs quickly is crucial for companies looking to compete for the services of microbusinesses — businesses with up to 10 employees, including solo...

33% of Consumers Will Pay a Fee for Instant Access to Payouts
33% of Consumers Will Pay a Fee for Instant Access to Payouts
January 17, 2022  |  Disbursements

New data shows one-third of U.S. consumers are willing to pay to have faster access to disbursements that are paid to them. In fact, consumers...

Deep Dive: Why Automation and Other Technologies Are Critical to Instant Payments’ Continued Growth
Deep Dive: Why Automation and Other Technologies Are Critical to Instant Payments’ Continued Growth
January 13, 2022  |  Disbursements

Historically, businesses’ approach to making disbursements has been a manual one: Bookkeepers take notes in ledgers, then send out physical checks, for which recipients must...

Valley Bank on Overcoming the Hurdles to Instant Payments
Valley Bank on Overcoming the Hurdles to Instant Payments
January 12, 2022  |  Disbursements

Interest in instant payments is growing across the U.S. banking sector, but limited infrastructure and a lack of standardization is hindering payment choices and traceability....

US Banks Say Instant Payments Need ISO 20022 Standard to Scale
US Banks Say Instant Payments Need ISO 20022 Standard to Scale
January 11, 2022  |  Disbursements

The pandemic has pushed payors and businesses across various industries to accelerate their digital transformation efforts, especially as a rising number of consumers expect faster...

Instant Payouts Tripled As Consumers Learned the Value of Really Fast Money
Instant Payouts Tripled As Consumers Learned the Value of Really Fast Money
January 04, 2022  |  Disbursements

By July of 2020 the U.S. government had made roughly 171 million payments valued at $400 billion as COVID aid was disbursed, of which less...

71% of Consumers Who Received Disbursements in 2021 Could Choose How They Got Paid
71% of Consumers Who Received Disbursements in 2021 Could Choose How They Got Paid
January 03, 2022  |  Disbursements

Approximately 158 million U.S. consumers received roughly 11 billion disbursements in 2021, whether from the government, their employers, their insurance companies or others, according to...

7 in 10 Microbusinesses Cite Link Between Instant Payouts and Loyalty
7 in 10 Microbusinesses Cite Link Between Instant Payouts and Loyalty
December 31, 2021  |  B2B Payments

As businesses have turned to online channels during the pandemic, swift digital disbursements have become increasingly important. Companies, particularly small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs), are...

After COVID, Consumers More Comfortable With Digital Payments
After COVID, Consumers More Comfortable With Digital Payments
December 28, 2021  |  Digital Payments

Among the many, many ways the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives is the way it’s changed how we think about digital payments. As we...