
Discover is a credit card brand issued primarily in the United States. It was introduced by Sears in 1985. When launched, Discover did not charge an annual fee and offered a higher-than-normal credit limit, features that were disruptive to the existing credit card industry.


Unlocking the Virtual Prepaid Card Opportunity
Unlocking the Virtual Prepaid Card Opportunity
July 31, 2023  |  Digital Payments

Money today is different than it was five years ago. It’s more nimble, secure, online and democratized. That’s why PYMNTS sat down with Chris Winter, managing...

MONEI CEO Says Click to Pay Poised to Gain Ground in Europe
MONEI CEO Says Click to Pay Poised to Gain Ground in Europe
July 24, 2023  |  Payment Methods

According to Alex Saiz Verdaguer, founder and CEO of MONEI, Click to Pay is set to find wider berth in Europe. Discover® Global Network recently...

Alipay and WeChat Pay Add Links to Visa and Mastercard
Alipay and WeChat Pay Add Links to Visa and Mastercard
July 21, 2023  |  Payment Methods

Visitors to China can now link their Visa and Mastercard accounts to the country’s most popular mobile payment applications, Alipay and WeChat Pay. Ant Group, the operator of Alipay, said Friday (July...

Card Networks Become Hubs for FinTech Payments Modernization Efforts
Card Networks Become Hubs for FinTech Payments Modernization Efforts
July 12, 2023  |  Faster Payments

FinTechs and venture capitalists recognize the pain points inherent in payments — and are investing the time and money needed to modernize infrastructure around existing...

Report: Credit Card Delinquencies Rise as Consumers Drain Savings
Report: Credit Card Delinquencies Rise as Consumers Drain Savings
June 19, 2023  |  Credit Cards

Your card bill might read “2023,” but for credit card delinquency rates, it’s 2019. As Seeking Alpha noted in a report Monday (June 19), those rates now...

Discover Debuts $36 Million Fund for Startups Focused on Financial Health
Discover Debuts $36 Million Fund for Startups Focused on Financial Health
June 13, 2023  |  Investments

Discover Bank has launched a fund to support startups working to improve people’s financial health. The $36 million Discover Financial Health Improvement Fund will back...

Subprime Borrowers’ Delinquencies up as Credit Lifeline Grows Taut
Subprime Borrowers’ Delinquencies up as Credit Lifeline Grows Taut
June 02, 2023  |  Debt

Credit card use is up, and card balances are increasing. It may be the more vulnerable borrowers among us signaling that distress could lie ahead...

Earnings Season Sheds Light on Rising Card Delinquencies
Earnings Season Sheds Light on Rising Card Delinquencies
May 15, 2023  |  Debt

Credit card debt is at an all-time high. Although it’s not yet fully in the rear-view mirror, earnings season is signaling that where there’s smoke,...

Interoperability Will Define Winners in a Digital Payments World, Says Diane Offereins of Discover Global Network
Interoperability Will Define Winners in a Digital Payments World, Says Diane Offereins of Discover Global...
April 26, 2023  |  Payment Methods

The conventional wisdom may have been that once consumers could get back into the physical world, payments behaviors would revert to pre-pandemic norms. That hasn’t...