Disneyland is distinct from its Florida counterpart, Disney World, given the local feel of the Anaheim-based park. Annual passholders who lived in Southern California were...
The list and history of Memorial Day blockbuster film releases runs long and deep, from “Return of the Jedi” to “Jurassic Park” to “Pirates of the Caribbean” — all...
The world of streaming is becoming an increasingly crowded and competitive space — such as the longtime segment leader and trend-setter Netflix is beginning to...
Everywhere you go, there you — and your face — are. In some regards, that’s the beauty of facial-recognition technology. Using your face to pay...
Walt Disney World Resort in Florida is trialing a facial recognition admission system at its Magic Kingdom theme park, NFCW reported on Monday (March 29). “If you...
Disney+, the Disney-owned movie and TV streaming service, has surpassed 100 million subscribers as of Tuesday (March 9), CNBC writes, just 16 months since its...
Walmart plans to invest in purchasing merchandise that is manufactured, grown or assembled domestically to advance American-made goods. In brick-and-mortar retail, Disney intends to close a number of stores in North America...
Like a fair princess drawn to a dashing prince, the quickening digital shift by consumers has lured Disney away from its brick-and-mortar retail stores and...
The Walt Disney Company’s latest quarterly earnings report, released Thursday (Feb. 11), showed the strength of the stay-at-home economy. Because of that phenomenon, the company’s...