
eCommerce (also known as electronic commerce) is a process of buying and selling of products or services, making money transfers, and transferring data over an electronic medium (Internet). This network allows people to do business with no barrier of distance and time.

WooCommerce Leads eCommerce with Substantial Growth
WooCommerce Leads eCommerce with Substantial Growth
April 21, 2014  |  Mobile Commerce

The WooCommerce plugin, which may be used for live sites and development environments, has been downloaded more than 2.9 million times.

Levi’s Appoints Walmart Exec Marc Rosen as eCommerce Boss
Levi’s Appoints Walmart Exec Marc Rosen as eCommerce Boss
April 18, 2014  |  Mobile Commerce

Rosen will be responsible for improving growth and profitability in the company’s online business.

SMBs Go Hunting for Customers Across Borders
SMBs Go Hunting for Customers Across Borders
April 14, 2014  |  B2B Payments

According to research from the World Economic Forum, SMEs account for 99% of the enterprises and two thirds of employment in OCED countries, making up...

B2B E-Commerce Growth Following In the Steps of B2C
B2B E-Commerce Growth Following In the Steps of B2C
April 10, 2014  |  B2B Payments

While B2C e-commerce has been growing at a steady pace the past 15 years, B2B e-commerce in the recent years is now experiencing big growth....