Editor’s Picks

The Chart That Sparked A Debate On Global Poverty
The Chart That Sparked A Debate On Global Poverty
February 14, 2019  |  Financial Inclusion

A well-made chart can be good for a lot of things, like breaking down a complex problem into an accessible visual, illustrating a point or...

Captain Blankenship And Stepping Out Of The Wholesale Shadows
Captain Blankenship And Stepping Out Of The Wholesale Shadows
February 14, 2019  |  Retail

When it first launched in 2009, clean beauty brand Captain Blankenship’s offering was still a very niche product. While “all-natural,” “organic” and “paraben-free” had begun...

Used Car Digital Platforms Attract More Funding
Used Car Digital Platforms Attract More Funding
February 14, 2019  |  eCommerce

In some ways, we are in a golden age of used car sales, mainly because of the way digital technology is not only removing friction...

SAFE Banking Act Gains Cannabis-Friendly Spotlight In Congress
SAFE Banking Act Gains Cannabis-Friendly Spotlight In Congress
February 14, 2019  |  AML

Legal marijuana sellers want bank accounts just like any other business. Over the last two years, more than $500 million worth of cash deposits from...

Cross-Border Payment Efforts Grab Funding
Cross-Border Payment Efforts Grab Funding
February 14, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Amid the battle heating up between Ripple and SWIFT over payments infrastructure, SendFriend, a Ripple partner, gets funding for its cross-border payments efforts. Elsewhere, MUFG...

How Payment Plans Can Cure Healthcare Payments’ Biggest Problem
How Payment Plans Can Cure Healthcare Payments’ Biggest Problem
February 14, 2019  |  Healthcare

Americans are on the hook for an ever-increasing percentage of their medical bills. As healthcare becomes a tough pill to swallow financially, 57 percent of...

When The Bank Is An App — And Not The Bank’s
When The Bank Is An App — And Not The Bank’s
February 14, 2019  |  Banking

Banks historically, like grocery stores or gas stations, have always assumed that customers would just come to them. Banks are where consumers keep their money. Grocery...

Separating Transactions From Authentication — And Authentication From The Internet
Separating Transactions From Authentication — And Authentication From The Internet
February 14, 2019  |  Authentication

Nine months in, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is gathering steam, with fines accruing. Google’s $57 million fine on data protection violations, levied in...

Car Loan Delinquencies Flash Warning Signs On Credit?
Car Loan Delinquencies Flash Warning Signs On Credit?
February 13, 2019  |  Economy

Might the latest data on car loans – to be specific, delinquencies on those car loans – offer flashing warning signs on credit and the...