Editor’s Picks

How AP Can Tip The Scales In Favor Of Virtual Cards
How AP Can Tip The Scales In Favor Of Virtual Cards
January 10, 2019  |  B2B Payments

In the world of payments, rife with friction, there is no such thing as a silver bullet. Even when technologies come close to addressing multiple...

NMI CEO On Payments Powering SMB Omnichannel Expansion
NMI CEO On Payments Powering SMB Omnichannel Expansion
January 10, 2019  |  Omnicommerce

“Easier said than done” is a saying that can apply to many things: running a marathon, losing those last five pounds, eating dinner every night...

PSD2: Ready Or Not? Not, Says Whitepages Pro
PSD2: Ready Or Not? Not, Says Whitepages Pro
January 10, 2019  |  Regulation

Eight months can seem like an eternity – all the time in the world to get things done, to plan, to implement, to do the...

What Can Local Sellers (And Regulators) Learn From The Chinese?
What Can Local Sellers (And Regulators) Learn From The Chinese?
January 10, 2019  |  eCommerce

Some might think of eCommerce as a global force, where technology underpins transactions done 24/7, and where even the smallest businesses can see significant top-line...

The Race For Controlling Connected Car Commerce Speeds Up
The Race For Controlling Connected Car Commerce Speeds Up
January 09, 2019  |  Ecosystems

The commuter consumer is a very real phenomenon that is on the rise. A quick look at the latest edition of the PYMNTS Digital Drive...

Credit Card Surcharges OK’ed In New York
Credit Card Surcharges OK’ed In New York
January 09, 2019  |  Regulation

New York has banned the ban. In the wake of court filings this week that effectively ended a challenge to surcharges on credit card transactions...

What’s The Reward For Early 5G Deployment? Asia Will Soon Find Out
What’s The Reward For Early 5G Deployment? Asia Will Soon Find Out
January 09, 2019  |  Mobile

South Korea is taking an early lead in deployment of 5G, with three of the country’s telecoms recently deploying the service. That could give the...

How Connected Consumers Shop During The Commute
How Connected Consumers Shop During The Commute
January 09, 2019  |  Retail

With the help of connected car technology, the morning and evening commutes are no longer just a time for consumers to drive to and from...

Batch And Creating Omnichannel Context For Furniture Commerce
Batch And Creating Omnichannel Context For Furniture Commerce
January 09, 2019  |  Retail

Furnishing a living space – whether it’s a house or an apartment – can be challenging work for those who are not design-oriented, particularly when...