
A Merchant’s How-To For Managing The Contactless Payments Surge And SCA Requirements
A Merchant’s How-To For Managing The Contactless Payments Surge And SCA Requirements
June 29, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

The pandemic has drastically affected how consumers are shopping and paying for even routine purchases, and this in turn has altered how businesses are accepting...

Open Banking By The Book
Open Banking By The Book
June 10, 2020  |  Digital Banking

Land rushes. Gold rushes. Now comes the rush to digitally onboard consumers who, driven by the fear of touching things that could be contaminated with...

Deep Dive: COVID-19’s Global Impact On Open Banking And Online Privacy Regulations
Deep Dive: COVID-19’s Global Impact On Open Banking And Online Privacy Regulations
June 09, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

The EU enacted open banking rules in 2018, inspiring regulators worldwide to reconsider how they were transacting funds or transmitting data. The two years since...

UK Finance On How COVID-19-Related SCA Shifts Are Changing The Payments Landscape
UK Finance On How COVID-19-Related SCA Shifts Are Changing The Payments Landscape
June 08, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

The pandemic has thrown daily operations for merchants in the EU and the U.K. into flux. Retailers have had to swiftly adapt to markets where...

The EU’s COVID-19 Contactless Limit — Too Little, Too Late?
The EU’s COVID-19 Contactless Limit — Too Little, Too Late?
June 05, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

Financial institutions (FIs) in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom are still thinking positively about open banking even as the COVID-19 pandemic creates...

Merchants Deal With Data Regs As COVID-19 Clears
Merchants Deal With Data Regs As COVID-19 Clears
May 05, 2020  |  Regulation

Open banking was ready for its close-up when COVID-19 placed many such advanced initiatives on hold, in lieu of more practical and urgent considerations like...

Deep Dive: Asia-Pacific Countries Gear Up For Open Banking Despite COVID-19-Related Hurdles
Deep Dive: Asia-Pacific Countries Gear Up For Open Banking Despite COVID-19-Related Hurdles
May 04, 2020  |  Regulation

The COVID-19 pandemic may have stalled open banking developments, but 2020 is still shaping up to be a crucial year for such sharing and privacy...

Why APIs, Privacy Are Key To Open Banking Innovation
Why APIs, Privacy Are Key To Open Banking Innovation
May 01, 2020  |  Regulation

Asia-Pacific bank regulators have been crafting their own open-banking initiatives even since Europe rolled out similar rules in 2018. Their goal — follow the European...

What Asia-Pacific Can Learn From EU’s Open Banking Initiatives
What Asia-Pacific Can Learn From EU’s Open Banking Initiatives
April 30, 2020  |  Regulation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an impact on open banking developments worldwide as regulators, financial institutions (FIs) and businesses set their sights on helping their...