Emanuel Cleaver

Rep. Cleaver Releases Initial Findings In Alt-Lending Probe
Rep. Cleaver Releases Initial Findings In Alt-Lending Probe
August 29, 2018  |  B2B Payments

U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO) has published the initial findings of a probe into the alternative small business lending market in an effort to...

Cleaver Investigation Denounces Lack Of SMB AltFin Transparency
Cleaver Investigation Denounces Lack Of SMB AltFin Transparency
August 29, 2018  |  B2B Payments

U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO) has published the preliminary findings of his investigation into the alternative small business lending market in an effort to...

Congress To Turn Up Heat On FinTech Regulation In 2018
Congress To Turn Up Heat On FinTech Regulation In 2018
January 04, 2018  |  Fintech Investments

A Democrat has some serious advice for Congress when it comes to FinTech. “If we fail to act on FinTech, we are setting ourselves up...