
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it and those who are not authorized cannot. Encryption does not itself prevent interference, but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

The Connected Commerce Network Effect
The Connected Commerce Network Effect
July 06, 2017  |  Internet of Things

The world’s not ready for the Internet of Things (IoT). Oh, consumers are excited, and they have embraced connected commerce with both thumbs — and their...

EU’s Digital Chief Can’t Commit Re: Encryption
EU’s Digital Chief Can’t Commit Re: Encryption
June 21, 2017  |  International

Good luck decrypting Europe’s incoming digital chief’s views on encryption. In international news this week, the commissioner-designate, Mariya Gabriel, responded to questions from the European...

UK Government Renews Calls For Clampdown On End-To-End Encryption
UK Government Renews Calls For Clampdown On End-To-End Encryption
June 06, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The U.K. government, in the wake of the terrorist attack over the weekend, is increasing its calls for governments around the world to work together...

Billtrust, CardConnect Partner To Support Invoice Payments Via Card
Billtrust, CardConnect Partner To Support Invoice Payments Via Card
April 20, 2017  |  B2B Payments

B2B payments company Billtrust is teaming up with payment processing firm CardConnect to facilitate the invoice-to-cash process, reports said Wednesday (April 19). Billtrust is integrating...

Facebook Enables Account Recovery For GitHub Users
Facebook Enables Account Recovery For GitHub Users
April 19, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Forgotten passwords are a daily occurrence for people around the world. With so many accounts from email to social media profiles to movie streaming apps...

Google, Symantec Battling Over Internet Encryption
Google, Symantec Battling Over Internet Encryption
March 28, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Google is picking up its fight with Symantec, saying last week that it is reducing the level and length of trust Chrome will give Symantec-issued...

Bluefin Boosts Payment Encryption Within The LAC Market
Bluefin Boosts Payment Encryption Within The LAC Market
March 08, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

On Tuesday (Mar. 7), Bluefin Payment Systems announced its new partnership with international online payments and fraud and data management solutions provider First Atlantic Commerce...

Payments Fraud, Cybercrime Overwhelm Corporate Security Efforts
Payments Fraud, Cybercrime Overwhelm Corporate Security Efforts
February 02, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Combating cyberfraud is a “balancing act,” says Sift Science, a fraud detection software company. And the number of things corporations have to juggle to safeguard...

WhatsApp Denies Security Encryption Issue
WhatsApp Denies Security Encryption Issue
January 16, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

WhatsApp may not be as secure as thought after a security issue in the messaging app has been identified that enables messages sent via encryption...