Epic Games

Filings Reveal Payments At Center Of Fortnite/Apple/Google Legal Battles
Filings Reveal Payments At Center Of Fortnite/Apple/Google Legal Battles
August 14, 2020  |  Legal

The latest salvo in the legal battles against Apple and Google alleging antitrust behavior – where court dockets are getting decidedly crowded – is now...

Apple, Google Boot Fortnite From App Stores Over In-App Payments
Apple, Google Boot Fortnite From App Stores Over In-App Payments
August 13, 2020  |  Mobile Payments

After Epic Games provided gamers with a discounted way to purchase digital items directly via the company, Apple took the Fortnite app off of its...

The Fortnite Black Hole — And What’s Next
The Fortnite Black Hole — And What’s Next
October 15, 2019  |  News

In the year 2017 the world met Fortnite as it now knows it — a multiplayer “Battle Royale” competition that allows players from all over...

Fortnite’s In-Game Currency Used In Money Laundering Schemes
Fortnite’s In-Game Currency Used In Money Laundering Schemes
January 21, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

A new report has revealed that Fortnite’s in-game currency is being used to launder money from stolen credit cards. According to a report by The...