
Distributed Ledger Tech Does eProcurement
Distributed Ledger Tech Does eProcurement
February 23, 2016  |  B2B Payments

FinTech innovators and financial institutions the world over are exploring how to steer blockchain and distributed ledger technology in various directions, indicating that the market...

Why Are Businesses Printing Out Their eInvoices?
Why Are Businesses Printing Out Their eInvoices?
February 18, 2016  |  B2B Payments

We have bracelets and pocket-sized devices that allow us to pay online and in person with a mere hand motion or a few clicks. So,...

How The Role Of CPO Got Flipped On Its Head
How The Role Of CPO Got Flipped On Its Head
February 12, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Any buying organization wants the same things from its procure-to-pay solution: visibility into spend and the supply chain, supplier risk management and an overall way...

Esker Fuels Procure-To-Pay Cycles Via Smartphones
Esker Fuels Procure-To-Pay Cycles Via Smartphones
January 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

The mobile device is now a mainstay for many professionals, but for higher-level executives, the smartphone can often be a lifeline. Document processing and cloud...

Wax Procurement Connects Procure-To-Pay Dots
Wax Procurement Connects Procure-To-Pay Dots
January 25, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Procure-to-pay firm Wax Digital, based in the U.K., wants to generate a roadmap for the progress and future of digital procurement. In doing so, the...

AP Moves Beyond Automation
AP Moves Beyond Automation
January 14, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Corporate treasurers are no longer number-pushers and bookkeepers. They are strategic players of a company, and that means the role of the accounts payable team...

Exclusive Walmart Supplier Portal Opens Gates
Exclusive Walmart Supplier Portal Opens Gates
January 12, 2016  |  B2B Payments

ThomasNet.com is a platform that centers on linking corporate buyers to suppliers, easing the discovery process for procurement officials. On Monday (Jan. 11), the company...

CPOs Are Facing An Uphill Battle
CPOs Are Facing An Uphill Battle
January 07, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Why, in 2016, are accounts payable and procurement teams still seeing paper invoices? That’s the question asked by procure-to-pay firm Zycus in a blog post...