
Equifax Inc. is one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies, along with Experian and TransUnion. Equifax collects and aggregates information on over 800 million individual consumers and more than 88 million businesses worldwide.

(source: equifax.com)

Even Mr. Monopoly Can’t Save Equifax CEO
Even Mr. Monopoly Can’t Save Equifax CEO
October 05, 2017  |  Legal

And so, the stately marbled floors of Congress resounded with the footfalls of the Monopoly money guy. You know, top hat and monocle and mustache...

Senators Dissatisfied With Equifax’s $7M Deal With The IRS
Senators Dissatisfied With Equifax’s $7M Deal With The IRS
October 05, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ben Sasse have some questions for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when it comes to Equifax. Less than a month after...

The CFPB Needs To Improve Its Cybersecurity, According To An Internal Investigation
The CFPB Needs To Improve Its Cybersecurity, According To An Internal Investigation
October 05, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

According to a report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s internal inspector, the CFPB must do more to strengthen its protections against hacking. The CFPB —...

Credit Freezes Cost Consumers $4.1B
Credit Freezes Cost Consumers $4.1B
October 04, 2017  |  Safety and Security

The Equifax hack continues to hit those impacted, with new research finding that consumers will have to shell out a collective $4.1 billion to freeze...

Equifax Apology Tour: 2.5M More People Affected By Breach
Equifax Apology Tour: 2.5M More People Affected By Breach
October 03, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Ahead of Equifax’s former Chief Executive Richard Smith’s testimony to Congress, the embattled credit scoring company said an additional 2.5 million customers may have been...

Cybersecurity Falls Short In September
Cybersecurity Falls Short In September
October 02, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Since Sept. 7, the media has been abuzz over the security breach at credit scoring company Equifax and the vast number of consequences the incident...

Equifax Credit Freezes Worry Lenders
Equifax Credit Freezes Worry Lenders
October 02, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Equifax hack is worrying U.S. lenders, who fear their consumer loan and credit card businesses could be hurt if scores of people lock or...

Was The Equifax Breach State-Sponsored?
Was The Equifax Breach State-Sponsored?
October 02, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Equifax’s massive data breach, which potentially exposed the personal information of 143 million consumers and the credit card numbers of 209,000 U.S. consumers, has some...

Hackers Prey On Consumer Worry Over Equifax Breach
Hackers Prey On Consumer Worry Over Equifax Breach
September 29, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Equifax’s data breach, which may have impacted 143 million U.S. consumers, has resulted in digital thieves sending hundreds of thousands of phishing emails pretending to...