european central bank

ECB’s Panetta Urges Firms to Adopt EU Instant Payment Solutions
ECB’s Panetta Urges Firms to Adopt EU Instant Payment Solutions
June 16, 2022  |  Faster Payments

The European Union should continue working on a pan-European payment solution based on instant payments and a digital euro to avoid relying on United States...

Today in TechREG: CFPB Wants Credit Reporting Standards in BNPL Sector; ECB’s Board Member Urges Firms to Adopt EU Instant Payments
Today in TechREG: CFPB Wants Credit Reporting Standards in BNPL Sector; ECB’s Board Member Urges...
June 16, 2022  |  Regulation

Today in TechREG, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has encouraged buy now, pay later (BNPL) providers and credit report agencies to standardize BNPL payment...

ECB: Crypto Could Shake Financial Stability 
ECB: Crypto Could Shake Financial Stability 
May 24, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

Financial stability is at risk as crypto-assets become more entangled with mainstream markets, the European Central Bank (ECB) said in its financial stability review on...

ECB’s Panetta: Digital Euro Could Launch Within Four Years
ECB’s Panetta: Digital Euro Could Launch Within Four Years
May 16, 2022  |  CBDC

Fabio Panetta, a member of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) executive board, said Monday (May 16) that a digital euro could become a reality within...

EU Regulators Lash Out at Stablecoins While Boosting CBDCs
EU Regulators Lash Out at Stablecoins While Boosting CBDCs
May 16, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

After a volatile week for stablecoins and cryptocurrencies, this week begins with a fresh call from European Union regulators to look into this space and...

European Central Bank Begins Exploring User Interfaces for Digital Euro Payments
European Central Bank Begins Exploring User Interfaces for Digital Euro Payments
May 02, 2022  |  Bank Regulation

The European Union (EU) will be moving ahead with its digital euro investigation, including exercises on how people will interact and pay with the digital...

With AML Proposal, ECB Gives Digital Euro Leg up on Bitcoin Payments
With AML Proposal, ECB Gives Digital Euro Leg up on Bitcoin Payments
March 31, 2022  |  CBDC

On Monday (March 28), EU lawmakers proposed an anti-money laundering (AML) regime that would require identification and screening for any cryptocurrency or stablecoin transaction, no...

ECB, Fed, BoE Work on an Interoperable CBDC
ECB, Fed, BoE Work on an Interoperable CBDC
March 31, 2022  |  CBDC

In a speech before the European Parliament on Wednesday (March 30), Fabio Panetta, member of the board of the European Central Bank (ECB), said that...

European Central Bank Seeks Balance Between Cash, Digital Euro
European Central Bank Seeks Balance Between Cash, Digital Euro
March 30, 2022  |  Digital Payments

A member of the executive board of the European Central Bank (ECB) said the German-headquartered regulator is building consensus for a digital euro. In a...