Even Responsible Finance

PayPal Gives Employees Early Access To Paychecks Though Even’s App
PayPal Gives Employees Early Access To Paychecks Though Even’s App
November 17, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

PayPal employees will now be able to tap their earnings long before their paychecks officially hit their accounts in a deal with Even Responsible Finance,...

Regulators Stoke The Flames Of The Early Wage Access Debate
Regulators Stoke The Flames Of The Early Wage Access Debate
September 05, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Regulators recently announced plans to take a closer look at the early wage access industry, but as demand among the workforce for such FinTech solutions...

Regulators Taking Close Look At Payroll-Advance Apps
Regulators Taking Close Look At Payroll-Advance Apps
September 02, 2019  |  Regulation

Regulators are taking a closer look at financial apps that allow workers to access their pay early. The apps claim they are more affordable —...