
This Week in Web3: Cross-Border Payments, Crypto Investments, User Education
This Week in Web3: Cross-Border Payments, Crypto Investments, User Education
June 05, 2024  |  Blockchain

Blockchain-based technologies may one day change the worlds of finance and payments. But so far, they haven’t. At least, not in the sweeping and transformative...

Coinbase Gives $25 Million to Massive Crypto Campaign War Chest
Coinbase Gives $25 Million to Massive Crypto Campaign War Chest
June 03, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency sector has reportedly stockpiled a massive amount of funds for this year’s election. The latest cash injection comes from Coinbase, which has just given $25...

Ripple Pledges $25 Million Yearly to Crypto Super PAC 
Ripple Pledges $25 Million Yearly to Crypto Super PAC 
May 29, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Ripple has donated another $25 million to pro-cryptocurrency political action committee (PAC) Fairshake. And there’s more where that came from, the blockchain payments company’s CEO told...

Crypto PACs Pump $13 Million Into Super Tuesday Races
Crypto PACs Pump $13 Million Into Super Tuesday Races
March 03, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are contributing millions to digital asset-friendly candidates in the 2024 election. That includes donations to candidates in Super Tuesday primary contests in Texas, California and...

Settling Consumer Disputes With Digital Solutions
Settling Consumer Disputes With Digital Solutions
March 04, 2020  |  Retail

For Teel Lidow, it was supposed to be a vacation, not a business trip. He went to Chile, expecting to return to New York without...