faster payments

Faster Payments Service (FPS) is a UK banking initiative to reduce payment times between different banks' customer accounts from the three working days that transfers take using the long-established BACS system, to typically a few seconds.


Banking’s Mark On X-Border Payments
Banking’s Mark On X-Border Payments
October 12, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

The dynamic nature of the cross-border space continues to spark innovation and advancements in payments. But with banking undergoing its own transformation, how will these...

Fed To Take A Stance On Blockchain
Fed To Take A Stance On Blockchain
October 12, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Amid all of the industry stakeholders — banks, FinTech startups and advisors — discussing the potential of blockchain, perhaps the biggest one is ready to...

Tapping Into The Blockchain For The Evolution Of Faster Payments
Tapping Into The Blockchain For The Evolution Of Faster Payments
October 06, 2016  |  Faster Payments

Clearance granted … immediately? New developments in blockchain technology could be taking faster payments to another next level. In the latest Faster Payments Tracker™, PYMNTS...

Will The Blockchain Revolutionize Faster Payments?
Will The Blockchain Revolutionize Faster Payments?
October 05, 2016  |  Faster Payments

Clearance granted … immediately? New developments in blockchain technology could be taking Faster Payments to another next level. In the latest Faster Payments Tracker™, PYMNTS...

Mexico Waiting On US, Canada For Real-Time Payments
Mexico Waiting On US, Canada For Real-Time Payments
September 29, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Mexico is waiting for the U.S. and Canada to grab hold of real-time payment capabilities so money can flow between its borders faster, reports said...

IBM Makes The Real-Time Payments Move
IBM Makes The Real-Time Payments Move
September 27, 2016  |  Faster Payments

On Monday (Sept. 26), the tech giant launched new offerings to help commercial banks support real-time payments for its customers. With new immediate payment schemes...

PayCommerce Bank Consortium Targets Instant Global Settlement
PayCommerce Bank Consortium Targets Instant Global Settlement
September 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

FinTech firm PayCommerce announced the rollout of its international payment, clearing and settlement program, offering financial institutions instant settlement even for cross-border payments. An announcement on...

Beyond The Need For Payments Speed
Beyond The Need For Payments Speed
September 26, 2016  |  PYMNTS Topic TBD

As a concept, faster payments makes headlines. But in practice, can faster payments change the way consumers and banks interact with one another? In the...

Forty Is The New Faster (Payments)
Forty Is The New Faster (Payments)
September 23, 2016  |  Faster Payments

Today (Sept. 23) is the official rollout of Phase I in NACHA’s faster payments initiative for ACH. In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, NACHA President...